Dr John Perry
Project leader
Email: [email protected]
John is a Senior Lecturer in Theological Ethics at the University of St Andrews and the project leader of New Visions in Theological Anthropology (NViTA). Having led an earlier John Templeton funded grant on Science-Engaged Theology from 2016-2019, Dr Perry is pioneering this new development in the field of science and theology. Together with Dr Joanna Leidenhag, he is authoring a primer on Science-Engaged Theology, which seeks to offer a narrative of the changes in theology, science-and-religion, and philosophy of science, which make the use of science as a source for theology possible.
For the full publication list, see staff page.
2018. “Magnets, Magic, and Other Anomalies: In Defense of Methodological Naturalism” (with Sarah Lane Ritchie). Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 53: 1064-1093.
2016. “Jesus and Hume among the Neuroscientists: The Surprising Return of Christian Moral Sense Theory.” Journal of the Society for Christian Ethics 36: 69-85.
2016. “Putting Hell First: Cruelty, Historicism, and the Missing Moral Theory of Damnation.” Scottish Journal of Theology 69: 1-19.
2014. God, the Good, and Utilitarianism (editor and contributor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2011. The Pretenses of Loyalty: Locke, Liberal Theory, and American Political Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dr Mikael Leidenhag
Managing editor
Email: [email protected]
Mikael is the Science and Theology Editor at the University of St Andrews. He is currently the managing editor of theo-puzzles, and an academic editor for the St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. He was a previous Science-Engaged Theology fellow (2017-2019), and focuses primarily on exploring the limits and challenges of naturalism, as well as the relevance of organismic teleology for Christian Theology. He gained his PhD at Uppsala University (Sweden) in 2016 with a thesis on the growing perspective of Religious Naturalism.
For the full publication list, see staff page.
2021. (forthcoming). Naturalizing God? A Critical Evaluation of Religious Naturalism. Albany: SUNY Press.
2021. (forthcoming). “The Doctrine of Theosis and the Reality of Purpose: Exploring the Convergence between Deification and Organismic Teleology.” Toronto Journal of Theology
2019. “Framing Christian Eschatology through Natural Teleology? Theological Possibilities and Concerns.” Heythrop Journal (Published online. Not assigned to issue).
2019. “Can Naturalism Make Room for Teleology? The Case of Thomas Nagel and Donald Crosby.” American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 40: 5-19.
2019. “The Blurred Line Between Theistic Evolution and Intelligent Design.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 54: 909-931.
Dr Joanna Leidenhag
Team member
Email: [email protected]
Joanna is a lecturer in Theology and Liberal Arts at the University of Leeds, and team member of New Visions in Theological Anthropology (NViTA). As well as co-authoring the primer on Science-Engaged Theology, she has taught a variety of courses on the intersection between science and theology, including “Science, Religion, and the Mind”, “The Problem of Evil: Tsunamis, Evolution, and God”, “Saints and Cyborgs: The Imagination in Theology and Science”, and “Holy Scripture, Sacred Earth: Ecology and The Bible”. She completed her PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2018, exploring the relevance of analytic philosophy of mind for a Christian doctrine of creation.
For the full publication list, see staff page.
2021. Minding Creation: Contemporary Panpsychism and a Christian Doctrine of Creation. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark
2020. “On the Spectrum of Humanity: The Challenge of Autism for Contemporary Theological Anthropology.” International Journal of Systematic Theology. Early View.
2020. “For We All Share in one Spirit: Charismatic Gifts and Church Unity.” TheoLogica: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology. Special issue on “Analytic Ecclesiology”, vol.4. Is.1. DOI: 10.14428/thl.v4i1.52633
2019. “The Revival of Panpsychism and its Relevance for the Science-Religion Dialogue.” Theology and Science 17: 90-106.
2016. “A Critique of Emergent Theologies.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 51: 867-882.
Mr Sterling Yates
Project manager
Email: [email protected]
Is the project manager for the New Visions in Theological Anthropology and St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology projects at the University of St Andrews. Originally from sunny Northern California, he has worked in university admissions and project management in the UK and USA since 2005.